
Kateřina Nedbálková

works as an Associate Professor in the Gender Studies program at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Masaryk University, Czech Republic. Her current research focuses on working class families, gay and lesbian families and men's and women's prisons. Her academic interests include the sociology of deviance, gender and sexuality, and ethnography. She published the study Incarcerated Pleasure: (Re)construction of Gender and Sexuality in Women ´s Prison [Praha: SLON 2006, in Czech] and Mothers of Courage: Lesbian families in late modern society [Praha: SLON 2011, in Czech]. She contributes to Czech academic journals and English-language volumes. Her recent research projects include: Program of applied research and development of national and cultural identity, [Ministry of Culture] – co-researcher - Memory of Roma workers; GAČR [The Czech Science Foundation] – Lesbian families: non-heterosexual families and parenthood in late modern society; 2006 – 2009 GAČR [The Czech Science Foundation] – co-researcher - Educational choices and anticipation of chances on the Labor Market from Gender Perspective; 2005 – 2006 GAČR [The Czech Science Foundation] – Prison as a gendered institution.

Iva Šmídová

is an Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology teaching in the Gender Studies Program since it has been launched in 2004 (courses since 1998). She concentrates in her research on critical approaches to studies on men and masculinities. Recently she has completed a four year research project on Czech reproductive medicine ( and now researches on perinatal loss (2017-2019). Other research studies include negotiation strategies of gender relations in the family with accented attention to changing patterns of fatherhood in the Czech society; nurturing fatherhood, fathers at childbirth; and educational choices and aspirations on the labour market from a gender perspective. Iva Šmídová teaches courses on the gendered structure of society, methodology of gender research, masculinities and gender or sociology of medicine, health and ilness.


Kateřina Lišková

is Assistant Professor in gender studies and sociology at Masaryk University, Czech Republic. Her research is focused on gender, sexuality, and the social organization of intimacy, particularly in Central and Eastern Europe. Currently she is a Fellow at the Imre Kertész Kolleg in Jena, Germany. In the past, she was affiliated with Columbia University as a Marie Curie Fellow, New School for Social Research as a Fulbright Scholar and as a Visiting Scholar with New York University.

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